How To Attract the RIGHT Man

Feel like you are making the same dating mistakes over and over and over?  Wish you could attract a high value man who is mature enough for a long term relationship?

We all know people (or we ourselves are that person) who attract the wrong type men.  You have to BE high value to attract high value.  Meaning you have to know and believe you are a high value, emotionally mature, empowered woman to attract a man who is ready for a relationship, emotionally mature and not a player who has similar interests as you (high value).

There are ways to filter through men when you meet them to avoid the wasting time on the wrong type man.  Do not waste time on men who don’t value you as a woman and who aren’t worthy of your time, commitment and love.

Quit chasing men.  Period.

In early dating men and women put their best foot forward.  We, as women must learn to trust and follow our instincts and intuition when dating and quit telling ourselves these things:  “oh he will change” or “I can change him,” or “he is the best I can do” or “all the good ones are taken” or “I’d rather be with him than be alone.”

OMG, this is just your negative thoughts talking.  Would you be okay with you daughter or best friend saying those things, knowing they were not truly happy?  No!  You would tell them DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN YOU DESERVE.

We have to control our dating strategy (this isn’t game playing, by the way).  We have to be picky but not in the way you may think.  How we feel about ourselves and treat ourselves directly affects who we attract.  Let me repeat that:

If you want to attract a high value, good man, you must begin realizing you are a high quality catch and you deserve this and you won’t just settle.

You have values and standards and you aren’t willing to settle.  You must send this “message” to potential romantic partners.  There are several ways to do this:

  • Love and respect yourself.
  • Treat yourself the way you want a man to treat you.
  • Don’t depend on a man for your happiness.  Create your own!
  • Improve your self confidence.
  • Change in your approach to relationships and the way you interact.
  • Be more laid back and relaxed.  Men are naturally attracted to a confident, independent woman who knows what she wants.
  • Don’t rush your relationships.
  • Enjoy getting to know new people.
  • Make it a goal to find a high value man you enjoy spending time with, instead of just any man.
  • Have a dating circle.  This is when you date multiple men at once.  This will keep you from focusing too much on one man.
  • Know without a doubt, a good, worthy man is waiting for you!
  • Laugh, have fun.  Don’t be so serious.
  • Stop being a giver/pleaser.
  • Learn to be receptive.
  • Let him plan the dates.
  • Don’t be a pushover, be confident.
  • Don’t look for someone to complete you.  You ARE complete.
  • Be open and honest.  No games or manipulation.
  • Be approachable.
  • Be assertive but kind.
  • Embrace the dating process.
  • Be positive but not controlling or arrogant.

Expect more from yourself and you will get more from the man in your life.  You attract what you project.  Love yourself.  Forgive your past mistakes.  Be kind, friendly, smile, laugh.  Be patient.  You will project success and a confidence and femininity that will attract your forever love.



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