10 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

Sometimes we just need simple reminders to get back to the basics!  We can save a lot of time by just doing these few things (there will be more ways to come).  We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Let’s make the most of our time and make things a little simpler!

  1. Make lists; don’t try to remember.
  2. Keep a family calendar with important dates for everyone. (Ballgames, recitals, birthday parties, special projects due, etc)
  3. Declutter your life.  Clean your house, office and car.
  4. Lay clothes out and plan for the next morning the night before.
  5. Say NO more often.
  6. Find the positive in all situations.
  7. Get up 15-30 minutes earlier each day.
  8. Set priorities/goals for the day, week, month.
  9. Ask for help.
  10. Believe in yourself.  You are AMAZING and ONE of a kind!!

This is just a start.  I am going to make a list of the lists I need now!




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