What is Love?

Love is blind.  Love is a feeling.  Love is work.  Love is a noun.  Love is a verb.  Love is patient.  Love is what makes the world go around.  Love is kind.  Love is necessary.  We could go on and on forever with the LOVE IS….

Love is anything but simple.

Love is the most complex of all feelings.  Why is it that we aren’t taught about this all encompassing emotion on a complex level?  Why must it all be trial and error?

Math, science, history, reading, spelling, language, social studies, love and relationships.  We are taught all but the latter in school for 13 plus years!

“Life” is supposed to teach us love?  I believe we are all a product of our environment where we learn from what we see and what we are shown and taught.  Some have great examples to learn from, some don’t.  It is left up to you to learn, on your own.  We must all be a forever student in the gift of life.

If you want to be good at loving others, you must do a certain amount of studying.  You have to get to know your partner and what their needs are.  Most women are similar and most men are similar but men and women are VERY different.  This is attributed to the masculine and feminine energy that we all possess.

The simple truth is….love is effort and definitely something you can work to improve. It is a verb, a noun, a feeling, an emotion.

You have to welcome and invite love into your life.  You have to want to love and be loved.  And ultimately that is what we all want.

You have to be lovable.  In order to be lovable you have to love yourself, believe you are lovable and believe you deserve love.

Relationships take two people.  Two willing participants who choose to give up some of their independence to share themselves with a partner.  There also has to be a balance of this as well.  I believe often times, couples who don’t share the balance of independence don’t last because one is perceived more “needy” or “clingy.”  This can result in one feeling smothered while the other feels hurt and somewhat rejected.  This creates resentment.

The older we get the more wise we become and the more independent we get.  Some may call it “picky.”  Therefore, we may have to try harder to find love.

Again, love begins from within.  Knowing and believing you are worthy and that someone out there is searching for someone just like you!

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