Sometimes we just need simple reminders to get back to the basics! We can save a lot of time by just doing these few things (there will be more ways to come). We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Let’s make the most of our time and make things a little simpler!
- Make lists; don’t try to remember.
- Keep a family calendar with important dates for everyone. (Ballgames, recitals, birthday parties, special projects due, etc)
- Declutter your life. Clean your house, office and car.
- Lay clothes out and plan for the next morning the night before.
- Say NO more often.
- Find the positive in all situations.
- Get up 15-30 minutes earlier each day.
- Set priorities/goals for the day, week, month.
- Ask for help.
- Believe in yourself. You are AMAZING and ONE of a kind!!
This is just a start. I am going to make a list of the lists I need now!