BLOG, LOVE, SELF ESTEEM, Self Love, Uncategorized

Self Love Is NOT Selfish

Self love is caring about YOU.  Taking care of YOU.  Believing YOU are worth it!  Why does that seem so hard?  Why does it seem unnatural?  As women we are givers.  Sometimes OVER givers.  This is what makes treating ourselves like we do those we love, and even strangers, feel so wrong.

What self love is NOT is arrogance and selfishness.

Loving ourselves is NOT a selfish act at all.  In fact it is completely necessary.  You can not love others with genuine depth if you do not love who you are and treat yourself with the love and respect you do others.  We have to come to the realization that being in tune with and confident in who we are and what we want out of life is instrumental in forming relationships that thrive.

Having the understanding that you and how well you treat your mental and physical health will help create the foundation for a fulfilling, loving relationships.  Not just romantic relationships, but also with our children, family, friends and coworkers.

If we see our own faults so vividly and focus on them instead of our amazing characteristics, how can we expect others to see past what we ourselves focus on?  If we constantly focus on our shortcomings, that is the part others will see in us as well.


Love is intentional.  Love is a choice, a decision to put forth effort into people we choose.  We all know love has to be nurtured.  Why do we choose to love others so intently and passionately but not ourselves?

Choose to love yourself and who you are.  If you don’t like your life, change it.  You can’t control or change what others say and do or how they feel, but you can change YOU.  Become someone you love.  Become someone you don’t mind hanging out with.

Loving and accepting yourself will open the door to finding love and that person loving who you are in a very genuine way.

Self love is taking care of yourself so that you can be your best for others.  When you love yourself and become comfortable with who you are, you will see unbelievable changes in your energy and your confidence and in turn your relationships!

Sheri XOXO


  1. This is such a good reminder! It is so important to take care of ourselves. Without self-care, we cannot care for others in our very best way.

  2. You’re absolutely right! Loving oneself is difficult! Self care and positive affirmations have become a daily ritual for me, to learn to better love and appreciate who I am. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thank you Debra. I love affirmations. How do you not improve your mood and attitude when you do daily self affirmations!?

  3. I love that quote – that “self-love is a prerequisite”. So so true! How can you love someone else before you love yourself!? We cannot pour from an empty glass, so it is important to take care of ourselves first. Especially as women that take on a lot of burden.

    1. Thank you Ilana! It is so easy to put others first when we can only be our best when our cup is filled first!

  4. I love this. My favorite quote about self-care is, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” I think you’re right that self-care is like a class prerequisite. 😊

    1. It is amazing as women how much time and energy we, as women put into other people while not allowing the same time on ourselves. No doubt self love is key to all of our healthy relationships.

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