Set Your Dating Boundaries

When you decide that it is the right time to begin dating again, after divorce or breakup, one of the first things you should do is set some boundaries.  You set forth these boundaries and vow to keep true to yourself.

Often times we sell ourselves short.  We settle for something because it is better than nothing. We tolerate certain behaviors that we know do not meet our standards or boundaries.   That is a mistake.  Love is out there.  We were made for companionship.  Everyone wants to love and be loved. It is the greatest gift of all.  Why should you settle for second or third best?

It is important to define what you want in a man and stick to it.  You must keep your boundaries intact to attract a high value, high quality man who is worthy of your time and attention.  Don’t waste time on people who are wrong for you.

Don’t allow a man to treat you in a way you wouldn’t want your  child, friends or family to be treated.  Bad behavior should be on the zero tolerance list if you want a high quality man who values you and your worth.

Your confidence or belief in your worth, should be so high you don’t allow any bad behavior or anyone to mistreat  you.  Bad behavior looks like him being rude, inappropriate, selfish, not showing up when he says he will, over bearing, late for a date for no good reason, or abusive in any way, shape or form.

If you have someone who is verbally, mentally or physically abusive, you do not have to tolerate that behavior.  End the relationship.  Tell him he has crossed a boundary that you can not overlook and move on to another in your circle of dating.  Believe in yourself enough to know YOU DESERVE BETTER.

There are 7 billion people in the world.  There is someone looking for someone just like you right now.  Someone that wants just what you have to offer.  Some one who will treat you with love and respect and adore you.  Don’t settle for mediocre. You deserve a life and relationship full of abundance!

Sheri XOXO



  1. Hi Sheri, Love this! I settled one time and will never do it again lol I raised my daughter to believe in herself and she’s a tough cookie to crack but she will not put up with any crap from any man. As for my son I have raised him to be a gentleman and respect others especially women. Both in college both have healthy relationships! This is so important for us to remind our kids, friends and family of!! Thanks for the great read!

    1. Thanks Sarah! You (and your children) are blessed to be in healthy relationships. To me it is one of the hardest things to teach our children, is to KNOW their value and stick to their boundaries. Thanks for reading!!

  2. Definitely good advice! I think for me, I have trouble holding boundaries because I don’t value what I have to bring to the relationship table. Being abused at a young age led me to think that I don’t have much to offer. And because I don’t see my worth, I let others take advantage of my kindness. It’s something I definitely have to work on!

    1. Nikki, acknowledging you need to work on your self and recognizing and realizing that you are beautiful and amazing and you have MUCH to offer to any relationship. Being abused is horrific at any age but especially a young age. Don’t let that define your future. Keep being kind but draw the line at being taken advantage of. Best of luck to you. XOXO

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