10 Simple Ideas to Boost Your Self Esteem

I know we all have days when we feel less worthy than others, but there are things you can do to boost your spirits and your self esteem.   Many friends say #1 should be “go to Wal-Mart.” 🙂  However, if that does not work a miracle in itself, here are some simple ideas that should help!

  1. Stay off of Social Media for a day (or week!). Seeing everyone’s “perfect” life or seeing other people’s tragedy is enough to get anyone down.
  2. Pamper yourself.  Get a manicure, a new haircut or just take a long walk.
  3. Talk to someone you trust.  The company of other people who we can talk to is often a natural mood booster.
  4. Focus on the positive parts of life.  Stop thinking about what you don’t have and rejoice in what you DO have.
  5. Surround yourself with positive people.  Being around a “negative nelly” can really bring down your mood.  Avoid these people when possible.
  6. No negative thoughts.  Purposely find a positive and focus on that.  Even if it is something small like looking forward to the meal you are planning that night or reading the new book you bought. Small things that we love can help boost you up if you refocus your thoughts.
  7. Don’t compare yourself with others.  You are the only you there is! You are unique.  You are special in your own way. Think of your own positive qualities and not others.
  8. Be assertive and make decisions with YOU in mind.  You don’t always have to put others before you.
  9. Set goals that challenge you.  Plan for YOU.  Start small if this scares you. Do something for your future.
  10. Forgive yourself and others.  If you are harboring resentment and anger and possibly hatred, it only hurts you and brings you down.  Decide that you will move on and forgive for yourself, not them.  Remember, just because you forgive does NOT mean you for get!!

Have a positive day.  Have a YOU day.  Have a happy day. After all, YOU can only control YOU.




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